Yu-Chieh Lin :"Winners (優勝)" of the Poster Presentation Contest in 2024 BEST conference (2024.6)
Wan-Wen Ting :"Masterpiece (佳作)" of the Oral Presentation Contest in 2024 BEST conference (2024.6)
Cheng-Wei Chung, Jie-Yao Yu, Ping-Hao Lai :"Winners (優勝)" of the Oral Presentation Contest in 2024 BEST conference (2024.6)
I-Son Ng. Biochemical Engineering Medal from BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (2024. 6)
Chuan-Chieh Hsiang :Outstanding Young Student Award from BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (2024. 6)
Yen-Tung Chen: National Cheng Kung University Scholarship to Encourage Innovation (國立成功大學「范倪創新獎」) (2024.5)
I-Son Ng. Biochemical Engineering Medal from Taiwan Society for Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (2024. 4)
Chuan-Chieh Hsiang :Outstanding Young Student Award from the Taiwan Society Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (2024. 4)
Tsung-Wei Chang :"Ping An Elite Education Scholarship" from the foundation (2024.4)
I-Son Ng. Outstanding Research Award in Chemical Engineering Division of the National Science and Technology Council in 2024 (國科會化工學門「傑出研究獎」) (2024. 2)
I-Son Ng. 2024 Excellent Interdisciplinary Research Award of University and Society Responsibility (USR) in National Cheng Kung University (國立成功大學「跨領域研究特優獎」) (2024. 1)
Cheng-Wei Chung :"Outstanding Speaker" of the 3MT Presentation Contest in 2024 GSBS conference (2024.1)
Priskila Adjani Diankristanti :"Outstanding Speaker" of the Oral Presentation Contest in 2024 GSBS conference (2024.1)
I-Son Ng. 2023 Outstanding Research Award in NSTC (112 年度國科會傑出研究獎)
Ngai-Hei Ho :"Masterpiece (佳作)" of the Oral Presentation Contest in 2023 TwIChE conference (2023.12)
Ping-Hao Lai :"Winners (優勝)" of the Poster Presentation Contest in 2023 TwIChE conference (2023.12)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendis & Jia-Yi Lin: Receiving CTCI scholarship (2023.11)
Yu-Chieh Lin: National Cheng Kung University Scholarship to Cultivate Outstanding Doctoral Students Waiver Eligibility (2023.10)
Ruei-En Hu: National Cheng Kung University Scholarship to Encourage Studing for Doctoral degree (2023.10)
Chuan-Chieh Hsiang: Award of "Grand Review 工學院博士生優良獎" (2023.10)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi: Scholarship supporting 3 months of abroad research in Osaka University, Japan (2023.9)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi: Got the 4th year of Veritas et Conscientia Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2023.9)
I-Son Ng. 2020、2021、2022、2023 Excellent Teaching Award of University and Society Responsibility (USR) in
National Cheng Kung University (連續四年獲國立成功大學「大學創新與大學社會責任教學優良獎」) -
I-Son Ng. 2023 Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan (BEST): Outstanding Female
Chemical Engineer Award (台灣生物技術與生化工程學會優秀女化學工程師獎) (2023.7) -
Jia-Yi Lin & I-Son Ng. Enhancing carbon capture and lipid formation through genetic Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under harsh conditions. Winner of the 3-minute thesis competition. The 13th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2023/01/12. Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan.
I-Son Ng. 2022 Taiwan Industry Chemical Engineering Society (TwiChE): Outstanding Female Chemical Engineer
Award (台灣化學工程學會優秀女化學工程師獎) (2022.12) -
Wan-Wen Ting & I-Son Ng. Metabolic regulation of chromosomal engineered Escherichia coli W3110 toward low-carbon footprint 5-aminolevulinic acid production. Honorable Mention Award of the Student English Oral Presentation Contest. 2022 TwIChE. 2022/12/02-03. Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Jie-Yao Yu, Wan-Wen Ting & I-Son Ng. Enhancing poly-ethylene-terephthalate (PET) biodegradation using PETase and MHETase in genetic Escherichia coli. Winners (優勝) of the Poster Presentation Contest. 2022 TwIChE. 2022/12/02-03. Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Wen-Wan Ting got the scholarship from National Science and Technology Council supporting 11 months of abroad research in Kobe University, Japan (國科會千里馬計畫)!
Yu-Chieh Lin won Taiwan Chemical Engineering Society Chemical Engineering Outstanding Youth Scholarship from TwIChE (Taiwan)! (2022.12)
Chengfung Xue won the CTCI Outstanding Thesis Award from China Technical Consultants Inc. foundation (Taiwan)! (2022.11)
2022 iGEM_NCKU (MERSE) won the Gold medal in Paris. Instructor: I-Son Ng. Advisor: Yu-Chieh Lin, Ruei-En Hu. Link (2022/10/26-28)
News 成大再奪法國iGEM競賽冠軍 以太空旅遊為發想很驚豔
I-Son Ng. 2016 – 2022 Gold Medal of International Genetically Engineered Machine (連續七年 iGEM 金牌指導教授)
Wan-Wen Ting got the 4th year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan! (2022.09)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi got the 3rd year of Veritas et Conscientia Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2022.09)
Priskila Adjani Diankristanti, Chuang-Chieh Hsiang & I-Son Ng. Revealing multienzyme cascade reaction for high-level itaconic acid production in Escherichia coli. Silver Medal for Poster Competition. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2022/06/24-25. Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.
Jia-Yi Lin & I-Son Ng. Enhancing CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) using heterologous carbonic anhydrase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for lutein and lipid production. First prize in Oral Presentation. The 12th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2022/01. Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan.
Chiau-Sin Teng, Chengfung Xue & I-Son Ng. Enhance protein accumulation and biomass from microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana using aminobutyric acid (GABA) and seawater. Second Runner-up in Poster Presentation. The 12th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2022/01. Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan.
I-Son Ng. 2021 Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide (2021 年進入「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」) (2021.12)
I-Son Ng. 2021 College of Engineering Research Excellence Award in National Cheng Kung University
(國立成功大學工學院研究優良獎) (2021.12) -
Shih-I Tan got the scholarship of 2021 Overseas Project for Post Graduate Research from Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), which will support him to study in UIUC for 1 year! (2021.11)
Shih-I Tan won the CTCI Outstanding Thesis Award from CTCI foundation (Taiwan)! (2021.11)
2021 iGEM_NCKU (MenTAUR) won the Gold medal, and was nominated for Best Education, Best Sustainable Development Impact and Best Hardware. Instructor: I-Son Ng. Advisor: Ying-Chen Yi. Link (2021/11/04-14)
News 從珍珠奶茶獲靈感 成大學生研發「減壓」珍珠iGEM奪金
News 吃了可忘憂的珍珠上市了!成大與晶英酒店合作開發 能化解「輕憂鬱」
News 「忘憂珍珠」紓解壓力 成大研發成果與飯店合作飲品新寵
Ying-Chen Yi & I-Son Ng. Integrative Escherichia coli strain with rare tRNAs and chaperone improves 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis. Premium Award of Oral Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2021/10/01-02. National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. (Online Conference)
Wan-Wen Ting & I-Son Ng. Engineered Escherichia coli for cadaverine production: in vivo and whole-cell transformation. Premium Award of Oral Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2021/10/01-02. National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. (Online Conference)
Jia-Yi Lin & I-Son Ng. High-level production, extraction, and new application of C-Phycocyanin from Cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. The Excellence Award of Oral Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2021/10/01-02. National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. (Online Conference)
Shih-Chen Yang, Wan-Wen Ting & I-Son Ng. Tunable CRISPRi-based system as a screening platform for robust enzyme. Premium Award of Poster Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2021/10/01-02. National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. (Online Conference)
Wan-Wen Ting got the 3th year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan! (2021.09)
Chuan-Chieh Hsiang got the 2nd year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2021.09)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi got the 2nd year of Veritas et Conscientia Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2021.09)
Chengfung Xue won the Excellent award of Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student in National Cheng Kung University with the topic "Engineering Escherichia coli for high value chemicals towards green and sustainable biorefinery". (2021.09.08)
Wan-Wen Ting won the Honorable Mention award of Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student in National Cheng Kung University with the topic "Develop Microbial Cell Factory: cadaverine production". (2021.09.08)
Tzu-Hsuan Yu & I-Son Ng. Codon shuffling and stepwise optimization for 5-aminolevulinic acid production in marker-free Escherichia coli. The Best Oral Presentation. The 11th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2021/01/23-24. National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan & I-Son Ng. CRISPRi-mediated programming essential gene can as a Direct Enzymatic Performance Evaluation & Determination (DEPEND) system. The Best Poster Presentation. The 11th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2021/01/23-24. National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.
Chengfeng Xue and I-Son Ng. Harness pyridoxal 5’-phosphate-dependent PdxY Integrated Escherichia coli enhancer (PIECE) for high-level 5-aminolevulinic acid production. The Best Oral Presentation. 2021 TwIChE. 2020/11/24-25. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan and I-Son Ng. CRISPRi-mediated programming essential gene can as adirect enzymatic performance evaluation & determination (DEPEND) system. The Excellent Poster. 2021 TwIChE. 2020/11/24-25. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Tzu-Hsuan Yu and I-Son Ng. Deciphering 5-aminolevulinic acid production in Escherichia coli from the aspect of codon shuffling. The Excellent Poster. 2021 TwIChE. 2020/11/24-25. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Jia-Yi Lin and I-Son Ng. Pyridoxal kinase (PdxY) mediated carbon dioxide utilization and biomass enhancement in mixotrophic culture of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-400. Honorable Mention Award. 2021 TwIChE. 2020/11/24-25. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
2020 iGEM_NCKU (Eye kNow) won the Gold medal and Best Hardware award, and was nominated for Best Poster, Best Therapeutics Project, Best New Basic Part, Best New Composite Part and Best Supporting Entrepreneurship. Instructor: I-Son Ng. Advisor: Jia-Yi Lin. Link (2020/10/29-11/01)
Shih-I Tan got the 4th year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan! (2020.09)
Wan-Wen Ting got the 2nd year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan! (2020.09)
Chuan-Chieh Hsiang got the 1st year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2020.09)
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi got the Veritas et Conscientia Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2022.09)
Wan-Wen Ting got the Outstanding Ph. D. Student Scholarship from Fire Protection and Safety Research Center, National Cheng Kung University. (2020.09)
Ying-Chen Yi and I-Son Ng. Metabolic engineering of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 by CRISPRi technology for 5-aminolevulinic acid production. The Best Oral Presentation. The 10th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2020/01/13-14 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Sefli Sri Wahyu Effendi and I-Son Ng. Crosslinked on novel nanofibers with thermophilic carbonic anhydrase for carbon dioxide sequestration. The Best Oral Presentation. The 10th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2020/01/13-14 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan and I-Son Ng. Quantification, regulation and production of 5-aminolevulinic acid in recombinant Escherichia coli. The Best Poster Presentation. The 10th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2020/01/13-14 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
I-Tai Shih and I-Son Ng. Enhancing 5-aminolevulinic acid production by chaperone and carbon flux redistribution in Escherichia coli. 2019 TwIChE. 2019/11/8-9. Tung-Hai University, Taiwan.
2019 iGEM_NCKU (Oh My Gut) won the Grand Prize, Gold medal and 5 Best awards, and had 5 more nominations! Instructor: I-Son Ng. Supported by Shih-I Tan and Ying-Chen Yi. Link (2019/10/31-11/04)
News 成大iGEM 團隊奪2019全球第一大獎 創下台灣參賽歷史最佳成績
Po-Kuei Sung and I-Son Ng. Effective and single step production of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins for genome editing in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC400. Best Oral Presentation. 2019 Asian Congress on Biotechnology in conjunction with BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2019/07/01-04. Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf, Taiwan.
Kai-Min Hsu and I-Son Ng. Characterization of nylon salts and thermal properties from bio-based 1,5-pentanediamine. 2019 TwIChE 2019/11/8-9. Tung-Hai University, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan got the 3rd year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2019.09)
Wan-Wen Ting got Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan! (2019.09)
Ying-Chen Yi got the Outstanding Ph. D. Student Scholarship from Fire Protection and Safety Research Center, National Cheng Kung University. (2019.09)
Tzu-Hsuan Yu won the 范倪創新獎 from Dept. Chemical Engineering in NCKU! (2019.05)
Way-Rong Lin and I-Son Ng. Genetic Engineering of Chlorella vulgaris Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System. The Best Oral Presentation. The 9th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2019/01/17-18. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Wan-Wen Ting, Cheng-Feng Xue, Kai-Min Hsu and I-Son Ng. Consolidated process of obtaining high purity cadaverine by genetic E. coli under constitutive promoter. The Best Poster Presentation. The 9th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2019/01/17-18. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Ying-Chen Yi, I-Tai Shih and I-Son Ng. Production of 5-aminolevulinic acid by biological strategies in Escherichia coli and Shewanella oneidensis. The Best Poster Presentation. The 9th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2019/01/17-18. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Yu-Cheng Lai and I-Son Ng. Development of high protein production from microalgae for circular economy. Excellent Oral Presentation. 2018 TwIChE. 2018/11/09-10. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Way-Rong Lin and I-Son Ng. Genetic engineering of Chlorella vulgaris using the CRISPR/Cas9 System. Excellent Oral Presentation. 2018 TwIChE. 2018/11/09-10. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
2018 iGEM_NCKU (Of Course) won the Gold medal, Best Environment Project and Best Presentation, and had 4 nominations! Instructor: I-Son Ng. Advisor: Shih-I Tan. Link (2018/10/24-28)
News 成大iGEM團隊連3年奪金 二氧化碳再利用研究主題抱回3項大獎
Shih-I Tan and I-Son Ng. Development of genetic circuit platform (GCP) as a high sensitivity biosensor in E. coli. Best Oral Presentation. 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology. 2018/10/04-05. South Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan got the 2nd year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2018.09)
Ying-Chen Yi and I-Son Ng. Establish constitutive and inducible recombinant protein expression system by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Best Oral Presentation. BEST conference and International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2018/06/28-29. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Shih-I Tan and I-Son Ng. An eco-friendly and low-cost process for efficient CO2 sequestration. Second Place on Oral Presentation. The 8th Green Sustainable Biotechnology Symposium. 2018/01/23-24. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2017 iGEM_NCKU (NO Problem) won the Gold medal and Best Environment! Instructor: I-Son Ng. Advisor: Shih-I Tan. Member: Wan-Wen Ting, I-Tai Shih. Link (2017/11/09-13)
Ying-Chen Yi and I-Son Ng. Biofabrication of gold nanoparticle from Shewanella species. Best Poster Award. The 23rd Young Asian Biological Engineers’ Community. 2017/10/19-20. Xian, China.
Shih-I Tan got the 1st year of Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship from National Cheng Kung University! (2017.09)
Ying-Chen Yi, Shih-I Tan and I-Son Ng. Engineered Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as a genetically stable strain. 2nd Place in the Poster Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2017/06/23-24. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Yu-Cheng Lai, Shih-I Tan, Ying-Chen Yi and I-Son Ng. Screening indigenous microalgae for protein production and identification. 3rd Place in the Poster Presentation. BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2017/06/23-24. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.